“Pilots with local knowledge have been employed on board ships for centuries to guide vessels into or out of port safely – or wherever navigation may be considered hazardous, particularly when a shipmaster is unfamiliar with the area.”
International Marine Pilots Association
The pilotage activity is one of the highest areas of risk in the port operation. The actions and responsibilities of the pilot(s) and pilotage provider are significant to the success of the port. The delivery of pilotage services must be undertaken with clarity and transparency. This will provide the confidence and accountability required of this critical area of service provision.
Oropesa has embraced the employment of leading edge equipment to support safe and efficient Pilotage operations. Our firm undertakes a systems based approach to the design, delivery and review of Pilotage Services.
The right design of pilotage systems within green or brown field operations will impart advantage to the capital and long-term operating arrangements for the port or terminal. The evaluation of the capacity of the pilotage activity will define the limits and capability of the Port and Terminal activities, trade and economic success.
The modern pilot has evolved beyond the purveyor of high level ship-handling and navigation. The many skills pilots bring to the port enable them to undertake the provision of services wider than prior ‘core only’ operations mentality would permit.
Today’s pilots are not only risk managers, but are integral in contributing to the safe and economic success of operations through their ability to be dynamic and flexible.
Oropesa Port Management – Pilotage Code of Conduct
- Design
- Develop
- Review
- Auditing
- Design
- Implement
- Review
- Continual Professional Development
- Recruiting
- Manning
- Efficiency
- Productivity
- Industry Leading

Port Design | Development | Operations | Management